Department of International Relations
The ERASMUS+ Porgram
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Department of International Relations

The Department of International Relations of the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Alicante, mainly develops the management of the mobility programs, both national and international, in order to promote the mobility of the students and teachers of the center. The aim is to contribute to the internationalisation of music studies and the creation of the European Higher Education Area.

Coordinator: Antonio Ballester Corbí



Erasmus+ K131 programme information

The Erasmus+ K131 programme is a mobility programme organised by the EU to allow teaching stays in conservatories, universities and higher education institutions that take part in the Erasmus+ programme (KA 131) of the CSMA by fully recognising studies abroad in the country of origin. The stays last between 2 and 12 months.

Be a student at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Alicante, and be enrolled to follow a study program in any of the official degrees of the different specialties

Have completed at least the first year of studies of the Bachelor’s Degree in Higher Artistic Education with 60 ECTS credits passed

Submit the application within the deadline

OUT Student Application Form, along with:

  • Curriculum Vitae with name, surname, age, instrument (specialty) and other information of interest.
  • Cover letter (written by the student), where the different reasons, objectives, motivations, etc. are expressed. to opt for Erasmus+ mobility.
  • Photocopy of valid ID card or passport.
  • Certificate of level of languages of the European Community other than the official ones of the Spanish territory, if you have any. (Qualifications in languages accredited by an official EOI certificate or legally approved equivalent will be valued up to a total of 3 points (B1. 0.4 points; B2. 0.6 points; C1, 0.8 points; C2, 1 point). Lower-level qualifications will not be taken into account when they are a requirement for obtaining higher-level qualifications.
  • Personal Certificate of the Academic Record with expression of the average grade (to be obtained ex officio by the CSMA).

Students must apply for mobility by completing the application. Those students who do not have a language certificate must take an English test at the CSMA. Those who do not pass this test will follow the process but will only opt for countries without a language requirement. Once the level test has been completed, an evaluation of the aspiring students is carried out, based on the following criteria:

a) For students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Higher Artistic Education in Music:

    • Average grade of the applicant student, from the previous academic year, minus the overall average grade of the specialty in the previous academic year. It will account for 70% of the overall calculation of the scale.
    • Assessment of knowledge of EU languages, with the exception of those of Spain. It will count for 30% of the overall calculation of the scale (C2: 1 point, C1: 0.8 points, B2: 0.6 points, B1: 0.4 points,)

The amount of the different sections gives the scale score for the students, obtaining a numerical order that determines the order of priority for the award of scholarships in case of acceptance in the requested destinations.

b) For Master’s students:

    • The criteria will be the same as those used for TSM students, with the difference that the average grade of the aspiring student will be that of the Degree presented as a requirement for Master’s studies.

The order of priority of the resulting list will be conditional on subsequent acceptance into at least one of the requested centres.

We are updating the information. Sorry for the inconvenience


Erasmus+ K131 calls

Students mobility

Staff mobility


Download the Erasmus+ K131 programme forms

Students mobility

Staff mobility