Registration of new students on the waiting list


July, 17



September, 13



July, 25

    • Online processing through ARTIC
    • A week before, admitted students will receive an email indicating the time slot in which they must enrol and select their schedule.
    • The detailed timetables of the subjects: Main Instrument, Chamber Music, Repertoire with Piano, Applied Piano, Complementary Piano/Related Instrument, will be available to students on this website before starting the course.
    • Enrol as indicated in the “Enrolment instructions” section, taking into account that the maximum number of credits is 72 and the minimum is 37. It is usual to enrol for a full course (60 credits).
    • Students who opt for Partial Registration must apply in advance through the Head of Studies on July, 25. To do this, they must submit a letter, addressed to the Conservatory Management, in which the reasons and the corresponding documentary justification for these are set out. They must enrol between a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 36 credits. In the case of studying a double speciality or if it is the last credits to finish the studies, it will not be necessary to apply for it.
    • Students who are going to enroll in two specialties should know that ARTIC only allows enrollment in one specialty. For the second speciality they must contact the Head of Studies.
    • Students who wish to request the recognition and transfer of credits must note, during the registration procedure in ARTIC, which subjects are eligible for credit recognition, by checking the tab indicated for this purpose. The program does not add the credits of these subjects to the final amount of the fees. After formalizing your enrolment electronically, all the necessary documentation must be submitted through the following FORM
    • The indication “Registration status: PROVISIONAL” that appears in ARTIC does not mean that the registration has not been made. After a few days it will automatically change to CONFIRMED.

To confirm registration, all the documentation must be sent through the following FORM