Registration of new students corresponding to the May call:

June 26, 2024 between 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. in ARTIC

Sending the enrolment documentation through the following FORM

Request for recognition of credits through the following FORM


  • Copy of the Registration Application. Which is generated once the telematic registration is completed and that you can download since it will be registered in your ARTIC account.
  • roof of payment of the fees or the supporting document for which you are a beneficiary, as well as the scholarship application.
  • Photocopy of D.N.I. Foreign students will provide a photocopy of their passport and resident card (NIE).
  • Passport size photograph.
  • The beneficiaries of the large family certificate, will provide a photocopy and original of it, which must be valid.
  • Students under 28 years of age must present proof of payment of school insurance and indicate the social security number. The School insurance amounts to € 1.12 and is paid by bank transfer to the account ES16 0081 1351 9700 0105 3913 indicating in the concept “SE-2022” and the surnames of the student.
  • Original of the Bachelor’s Degree or the receipt of having requested it together with the proof of payment of the corresponding fees. Foreign students must present the homologation of the degree by the Ministry of Education.