Academic Requirements for Access to Higher Artistic Music Education
Access Tests
Specific Access Test. Structure and Content
Specific test for people without academic requirements Structure and Contents
Access test normative


Academic Requirements for Access to Higher Artistic Music Education

Following the provisions of RD 628/2022, of July 26, which modifies article 12 of RD 1614/2009, de 26 de octubre, regarding access to Bachelor’s degrees in EEAASS, in order to carry out the corresponding Specific Access Tests (PEA) of each study in each center, you must be previously in possession of one of the following requirements:

Access to official education leading to the Degrees in Higher Artistic Education in the different areas will require being in possession of the Bachelor’s degree or having passed the university entrance exam for over 25 years, or being in possession of a Higher Artistic Education Degree, University Degree or Higher Technician Degree, as well as passing the corresponding specific tests referred to in articles 54, 55, 56 and 57 of Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo or in accordance with the LOMLOE the specific test for people without academic requirements (art. 69.5) organized by the ISEACV in collaboration with the CEEDCV.

Foreign students must present the homologation of the Degree by the Ministry of Education.


Access tests to Bachelor’s Degree in Advanced Artistic Education in Music



June 2024

Registration: From June 10 to 20, on our platform ARTIC.          Realization of the tests: From June 26 to 28.

Sending documentation: From June 10 to 20 de junio trhough this form.

List of admitted

Access Test Calendar          Offered Places          Court          Academic Support Commissions

Results of the Entrance Examns in ARTIC.          Provisional: Juny 28 (from 4:00 p.m.)     Final: July 3

Exam Claims From Juny 28 to July 1

Applicants who have passed the test but have not obtained a place are placed on the waiting list (unless they indicate otherwise) and will be notified by email if there is any resignation.

September 2024

Registration: From 15 to 22 July both inclusive on our platform ARTIC    Realization of the tests: 3 i 4 September.

Sending documentation: From July 15 to 22, to the following email:

Access tests calendar          Offered places          Court        Academic Support Commissions

Results of the Entrance Exams in ARTIC.     Provisionals: September 6, 2023.          Final: September 8, 2023.

Test Qualification Claim. September 6 and 7, 2023.

Applicants who have passed the test but have not obtained a place are placed on the waiting list (unless they indicate otherwise) and will be notified by email if there is any resignation.


Specific Access Test. Structure and contents

  • Part One:

Interpretation of a 30-minute program of at least three different styles. The applicant must interpret, at least, a work of memory. This test has an eliminatory character and represents, in case of passing it, 50 percent of the final grade.

  • Part Two:

Structural and historical analysis of a musical fragment. It represents 25 percent of the final grade.

  • Part Three:

Reading in sight with the main instrument of the itinerary to which it is chosen. It represents 25 percent of the final grade.

Structure of the Interpretation test:

Voice         Double bass     Clarinet     Basoon            Flute     Guitar     Oboe      Percussion     Piano

Saxophone     Trombone        Horn       Trumpet     Tuba        Viola          Violin     Cello

  • Part One:
    It is eliminatory in nature and accounts for 60% of the final grade of the specific test. Applicants must obtain a grade equal to or greater than 5 out of 10 to be able to complete the second part.
    1.A. Harmonic, structural and stylistic analysis of a piece or musical fragment proposed by the court. It will represent 30% of the final grade.
    1.B. Writing exercise of harmonic, contrapuntal character or a combination of both types of writing. It will represent 30% of the final grade.
  • Part Two:
    It has no eliminatory character and represents 40% of the final grade of the specific test.
    2.A. Exercise of musical dictation or solphistic reading. It will represent 10% of the final grade.
    2.B. Piano performance of a piece prepared by the applicant and/or reading at the piano. It will represent 10% of the final grade.
    2.C. Interview about own works made by the applicant and defense of them, with a maximum of three works presented. It will represent 20% of the final grade

Structure of the Composition test

  • Part One:

Eliminatory, it represents 50% of the final grade of the test. Applicants must obtain a grade equal to or greater than 5 out of 10 to be able to complete the second part.
– Exercise 1: Solphistic test at first sight of one or more musical fragments determined by the evaluation commission, singing and accompanying himself with the gesture. It represents, if it exceeds it, 60% of the grade of the first part.
– Exercise 2: Direct a work or fragment proposed by the evaluation commission. It represents, if it exceeds it, 20% of the grade of the first part.

Direction of the following work:
Obertura Egmont. Op. 84 L. van Beethoven. The center will provide a pianist who will interpret the work reacting to the student’s gesture, but the student must lead giving the indications to an imaginary orchestra.

– Exercise 3: Personal interview with the evaluation commission. It represents, if it exceeds it, 20% of the grade of the first part.

  • Part Two.

It has no eliminatory character and represents 50% of the final grade of the test.
– Exercise 4: Structural and historical analysis of a musical fragment. It represents 10% of the final grade.
– Exercise 5: Exercise of harmonization to four voices of a bass or tiple. It represents 10% of the final grade.
– Exercise 6: Sight reading on the piano, with prior preparation on a piano. It represents 10% of the final grade.
– Exercise 7: Realization of a melodic and harmonic dictation for four voices. It represents 20% of the final grade.

Structure of the Conducting test

  • Part One:
    Of an eliminatory nature, it represents in case of being passed, a third of the final grade of the test. Applicants must obtain a grade equal to or greater than 5 out of 10 to be able to complete the second part.
    – Exercise 1: Interpretation of a 30-minute program of at least three different styles. The applicant must interpret, at least, one work of memory.
  • Part Two:
    It has no eliminatory character and represents two thirds of the final grade of the test.
    – Exercise 2: Structural and historical analysis of a musical fragment. It represents one third of the final grade.
    – Exercise 3: Sight reading on the piano, with prior preparation on a piano. It represents one third of the final grade.

Structure of the Pedagogy test

    1. Interpretation of a 15-minute program of at least three different styles. It represents 25% of the final grade.
    2. Structural and historical analysis of a musical fragment with score and audition. It represents 25% of the final grade.
    3. Exercise of harmonization to four voices of a bass and / or tiple. It represents 25% of the final grade.
    4. Commentary of a text of musical theme and questionnaire on it (historical, aesthetic, social and artistic aspects). It represents 25% of the final grade.

Structure of the Musicology test

In any of the above specialties, to obtain the final weighted grade it will be mandatory to perform all the exercises of the tests.

The average grade of the professional studies record constitutes 50% of the grade of the specific entrance exam, in the case of being in possession of the Professional Title of Music, as long as the weighted qualification of all the exercises carried out is a qualification equal to or greater than 5.


Specific test for people without academic requirements. Structure and Contents

This Specific test for people without academic requirements is addressed to the persons referred to in Article 69, paragraph 5, of Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education, who meet the years in the calendar year (until December 31) in which said test is held, who want to access higher artistic education and are not in possession of the Bachelor’s degree or have passed the university entrance exam for over 25 years old.

It is common to all higher artistic teachings and consists of the following parts:

Exercise written from a given text and images related to the content of the text. Based on a text of Art History (in Valencian and Spanish) and two images related to the text, students will have to answer several closed answer questions (test type) and open-ended questions related to text and images.

Basic curriculum for the contents of this test:

  1. Romanesque art and Gothic art. Trecento italiano.
  2. Renaissance art: quattrocento and cinquecento.
  3. The Baroque: characteristics of the art of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  4. Art of Neoclassicism. Key features.
  5. Art of the nineteenth century: romanticism, historicism, realism, impressionism, post-impressionism, new materials and modernism.
  6. Art of the twentieth century: 1st and 2nd avant-garde. Functionalism and rationalism. Fauvism, cubism, expressionism, futurism, dadaism, metaphysical painting, surrealism and geometric abstraction. Trends since 1945.

From a text of History of Philosophy (in Valencian and Spanish) students will have to answer several questions of closed answer (type test) and questions of open answer related to the content of the text.

Basic curriculum for the contents of this test:

  1. What is Philosophy?: from myth to logos. Branches and stages of philosophy. Philosophical knowledge and other knowledge.
  2. Where do we come from?: The origin of life. Fixism and Creationism. Evolutionary theories. Anthropogenesis: processes of hominization and humanization.
  3. Who are we?: Nature and culture. Cultural identities and relations between cultures. Different philosophical conceptions about the human being.
  4. How should it behave?: Ethics as the foundation of moral action. Main ethical theories.
  5. What can we know?: Scientific knowledge: Cosmologies of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The Scientific Revolution of the Renaissance. Current worldview. Philosophical knowledge: Possibility and limit of human knowledge. Some philosophical models of explanation of knowledge.
  6. Why do we obey?: Legitimization of power. Naturalistic theories. Contractualist theories. The concept of state and its historical evolution. Philosophical foundations of the rule of law, democratic and social.
  7. Where are we going?: Philosophers of suspicion. Ethics of the twentieth century. Human Rights.
  8. What is aesthetics?: Characteristics of the aesthetic experience. The symbolic capacity of the human being. Different conceptions of beauty. Relationship between beauty and art. Theories on artistic expression.

Exercises on linguistic aspects and reading comprehension, from a given text. From a text of artistic theme, various questions about grammar, spelling and lexicon will be raised.

Basic curriculum of Valencian language for the contents of this test:

  1. Les categories gramaticals. Sons i grafies.
  2. L’oració simple: subjecte i predicat. Lletres, dígrafs i lletres compostes.
  3. Els pronoms personals forts. Vocals i consonants.
  4. El substantiu. La síl·laba, tònica i àtona.
  5. L’adjectiu. Separació de síl·labes.
  6. El verb. Diftongs.
  7. L’adverbi. L’accent gràfic.
  8. L’oració composta. L’accent diacrític.
  9. Els pronoms febles Aspectes formals. Aspectes funcionals. La dièresi. Camps semàntics i famílies lèxiques. Sinonímia, antonímia i hiponímia entre les paraules del vocabulari bàsic.

Basic curriculum of Spanish language for the contents of this test:

  1. Las ideas de los textos. Destacar lo importante. Ideas principales.
  2. El resumen de un texto. Procedimiento para hacer un resumen.
  3. Los argumentos que apoyan las ideas. Principales argumentos (datos, citas, experiencia personal, ejemplos).
  4. Los conectores que enlazan ideas. Los que indican orden. Los que expresan ideas contrarias. Los que añaden ideas nuevas. Los que proponen ejemplos. Los que indican una causa o una consecuencia.
  5. Elaborar una opinión.
  6. La forma de las palabras. Las categorías gramaticales. Determinante, sustantivo, pronombre, adjetivo, verbo, adverbio, preposición. Las partes de las palabras: raíz, desinencia, prefijo, sufijo.
  7. Los sentidos de las palabras. Las palabras derivadas (Familias de palabras). Sinónimos, hipónimos e hiperónimos.
  8. Escribir correctamente. Principales problemas: Con acentos. Normas generales. Acentuación de COMO, QUE, PORQUE. Con vocabu[1]lario: Mayúsculas, prefijos, formas verbales incorrectas, dequeísmo. Con expresiones «delante de mí «… Con homofonías (vaya, ahí, haber, hecho, aparte…).
  9. Sintaxis. La oración simple. Localizar sujeto y principales complementos. 10. Las figuras literarias. Comparación, metáfora, hipérbole o exageración, interrogación retórica.

Exercises on linguistic aspects and reading comprehension, from a given text. From a text of artistic theme, various questions about grammar, spelling and lexicon will be raised. Basic English curriculum for the contents of this test:

  1. Present simple, There is/There are, Countable/ Uncountable nouns, Present continuous. Vocabulary: World of work.
  2. Express like and dislike: like, love, enjoy, hate. Present simple vs. Present continuous. Vocabulary: Names of arts in general.
  3. Prepositions. Vocabulary: Word creation: suffixes.
  4. Past simple (regular verbs, irregular verbs). Past continuous. Vocabulary: Books and literature.
  5. Uses of «like». Vocabulary: Physical activities.
  6. Present perfect. Vocabulary: Food.
  7. Future tenses (present simple with future meaning, be going to+infinitive). Vocabulary: Transport.
  8. Modal verbs. Vocabulary: Cities.
  9. Comparisons. Vocabulary: Environmental issues.
  10. Passive voice. Vocabulary: Music.

Basic French curriculum for the contents of this test:

  1. Le groupe du nom et les pronoms: Le nom et l’adjectif. Les articles. Les démonstratifs. Les possessifs. Les indéfinis. Les pronoms personnels. Les pronoms relatifs.
  2. Le verbe: Les constructions verbales. Les auxiliaires et les semi-auxiliaires. La forme passive. La forme pronominale. L’indicatif. Le subjonctif. Le conditionnel. L’impératif. L’infinitif.
  3. La phrase: L’identification et la description. La phrase interrogative. La phrase négative. La mise en relief.
  4. Les mots-outils: Les prépositions. Les adverbes.
  5. L’expression de la pensée: Les prépositions complétives. Le discours rapporté.
  6. L’expression des circonstances: de la cause, de la conséquence, du but, du temps, de l’opposition, de l’hypothèse et de la condition, de la comparaison

Each of the parts is scored from 0 to 10, with the final result of the test being the arithmetic mean of the three. The test is passed if this average is equal to or greater than 5, which means the qualification of Apt.

The passing of this test has permanent validity for the purposes of access to higher artistic education throughout the State.

If you do not pass this test, you will not be able to register for the specific test for access to higher artistic education in Music.


Access test normative