Promotion and Permanence in the Center
Transfer of Academic Record / Re-Admission / Entrance Test in other Centers
Download forms
Request of Bachelor’s Degree Certificate / Master’s Degree Certificate
Academic and Administrative Fees
Recognition and transfer of credits
Request of the academic record / Official Academic Certificate
Academic and end of academic year calendars


Promotion and Permanence in the Center

DECRETO 117/2022, de 5 de agosto, del Consell, por el cual se aprueba el Reglamento de organización y funcionamiento (ROF) de los centros superiores de enseñanzas artísticas integradas en el Instituto Superior de Enseñanzas Artísticas de la Comunitat Valenciana (ISEACV).

  • Enrollment in any subject is limited to four calls.
  • In each academic year there will be two calls per subject, first and second call respectively.
  • Since the publication of Decreto 117/2022 (academic year 2022-2023), the permanence in the same degree is limited to six years for full enrollment and eight years for partial enrollment.
  • The condition of “Not Presented” consumes call. (NP consumes call and comes to replace what in the last courses and in the Instructions of beginning of course was the ‘Without Qualifying’, which disappears from this course).
  • The director of the center may authorize, at the request of the student, exceptionally and for duly justified objective reasons, such as serious illness or any other cause of force majeure, the waiver of a call per academic year. (The resignation of call does not consume call and becomes what was previously the Not Presented, in these cases the students must request it previously to the direction of the center, attaching the relevant justification).
  • In accordance with the provisions of article 14.4 of Decreto 48/2011, de 6 de Mayo, de El Consell, the director of the higher centers may authorize, at the request of the student, exceptionally and for duly justified objective reasons, such as serious illness or any other cause of force majeure, a new and unique call. In case of negative resolution, it may be appealed to the ISEACV Directorate. (This is the, informally called, ‘convocation of grace or exceptional’, which was already regulated in Decree 48/2011).




It must be carried out in the course immediately following the one in which the situation occurred. This fifth call gives the right to take the subject again and in all cases will have to be evaluated during the period corresponding to the first call. Students who have consumed four calls in any of the subjects may request excepcional call during the months of July and September of the course immediately following the that the situation has occurred (RESOLUCIÓN de 27 de junio de 2023, de la dirección del Instituto Superior de Enseñanzas Artísticas de la Comunitat Valenciana, por la que se dictan instrucciones para el curso 2023-2024 en los centros que imparten enseñanzas artísticas superiores.)

Term: until July 19, 2024.




Term: until May 28, 2024.



Transfer of Academic Record, Re-Admission, Entrance Test in other Centers

  • Terms:

    • Access tests approved in other centers: Until september 15th.

    • Readmissions: From 1 to 30 juny.

    • Transfer of Academic File: From 1 to 31 july.

  • Regulations:

RESOLUCIÓN de 27 de junio de 2023, de la Dirección del Instituto Superior de Enseñanzas Artísticas de la Comunitat Valenciana, por la que se dictan instrucciones para el curso 2023-2024 en los centros que imparten enseñanzas artísticas superiores.

RESOLUCIÓN de 5 de marzo de 2024, de la dirección del Instituto Superior de Enseñanzas Artísticas de la Comunitat Valenciana, por la que se convocan las pruebas de acceso a las enseñanzas artísticas superiores para el curso 2024-2025.












Download of forms





  • Registration
    • Registration of new students corresponding to the May call: June 26, 2024 between 9:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at ARTIC
    • Registration of new students corresponding to the September call: September 11, 2024. 9:30 h. – 14:00 h.
    • Enrolment of repeating students: September 11, 2024. 9:30 h. – 14:00 h.
    • Sending the enrolment documentation through the following FORM
    • Request for recognition of credits through the following FORM

Access all the information of the registration process of the Master’s Degree of Arts in Music Performance and Research.


  • Application form for registration. (It is obtained automatically in ARTIC at the end of the registration.)
  • Photocopy of D.N.I. Foreign students will provide a photocopy of their passport and resident card (NIE).
  • Passport size photograph.
  • Students under 28 years of age must present proof of payment of school insurance and indicate the social security number.
  • Original of the bachelor’s degree or the receipt of having requested it. Foreign students must present the homologation of the degree by the Ministry of Education.
  • Transfer of rights Form, completed and signed.
  • Proof of payment of the filing fees.
  • Students who do not apply for a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, proof of payment of academic fees.
  • Students who apply for a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, receipt of the scholarship application.
  • The beneficiaries of the large family certificate, will provide a photocopy and original of it, which must be valid.
  • If you are part of a single-parent family, they will provide a collated photocopy of the updated title.
  • If you request exemption from fees for being affected by a disability equal to or greater than 33%, you must submit a collated photocopy of the certification of that circumstance.
  • If you are a victim of armed bands and terrorist elements, you must submit a collated photocopy of the following documents: the one proving that you are a victim of armed bands and terrorist elements and, if you are the child of the person recognized as a victim, family book.
  • In case of being a victim of gender violence, you must present a collated photocopy of the judicial resolution that recognizes this condition or, in case of being the son or daughter of the person recognized as a victim and being under 25 years old, also of the family book.


  • Copy of the Registration Application. Which is generated once the telematic registration is completed and that you can download since it will be registered in your ARTIC account.
  • roof of payment of the fees or the supporting document for which you are a beneficiary, as well as the scholarship application.
  • Photocopy of D.N.I. Foreign students will provide a photocopy of their passport and resident card (NIE).
  • Passport size photograph.
  • The beneficiaries of the large family certificate, will provide a photocopy and original of it, which must be valid.
  • Students under 28 years of age must present proof of payment of school insurance and indicate the social security number. The School insurance amounts to € 1.12 and is paid by bank transfer to the account ES16 0081 1351 9700 0105 3913 indicating in the concept “SE-2022” and the surnames of the student.
  • Original of the Bachelor’s Degree or the receipt of having requested it together with the proof of payment of the corresponding fees. Foreign students must present the homologation of the degree by the Ministry of Education.

Payment of registration fees

Instructions for obtaining form 046

The document for the payment of fees (form 046) is obtained automatically at the end of registration by clicking on “Payments: Consult payments” and then clicking on “PAY”. In order for it to be generated correctly, it is necessary to indicate if you want to pay the registration in a period or in two.

Students who divide the payment of academic fees into two installments must pay 50% when formalizing the registration and the other 50% at the beginning of the 2nd semester of the academic year. It is recommended to divide the payment into two installments, since if there is any error or modification in the registration that supposes a variation in the number of credits and, consequently, of the amount of the fees, this difference could be compensated when making the payment of the second term.

Students applying for a scholarship from the Ministry of Education do not have to pay tuition at the beginning of the course. If they are granted the scholarship, they must deliver the scholarship holder credential to the Secretariat and are exempt from the payment of academic fees. If they are denied, they will have to make the payment when they receive the notification in which they are informed of the non-granting of the scholarship.

All new students must pay the registration fees. Those who wish to obtain the conservatory card must also pay the fee for issuing an identity card.

The payment of school insurance is mandatory for all students who are not at least 28 years of age when the course begins. It amounts to € 1.12 and is paid by bank transfer to the account

ES16 0081 1351  9700 0105 3913

indicating in the concept SE-“scholar year” and the surnames of the student. (Example SE-2024 GARCÍA GARCÍA)

Procedure and regulation. The recognition and transfer of credits for higher artistic education is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Decree 69/2011, of June 3, of the Consell, which regulates the recognition and transfer of credits.

Once the procedure for the recognition and transfer of credits has been resolved, applicants will be informed and their registrations will be modified, if necessary, with the consequent payment of fees for those credits that have not been recognized. credits.

Registration rules

Students can enroll between a minimum of 37 and a maximum of 72 ects credits (full enrollment).

Students who opt for partial enrollment must request it in advance. To do this, they must submit a letter, addressed to the direction of the Conservatory in which the reasons are exposed, and the corresponding documentary justification of these. Partial enrolment allows enrolment between a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 36 ECTS credits.

It is possible to enroll in more than one specialty but provided that the 72 ECTS credits per academic year are not exceeded together.

Payment method

The payment can be made at once, at the beginning of the course, or in installments, in two installments for equal amounts, which will be paid: the first, when formalizing the registration and, the second, during the second half of January.

The non-payment of any of these deadlines will entail the automatic cancellation of the registration, without the right to reimbursement of the amounts that have been paid.

The student who was a beneficiary of scholarships in accordance with current regulations on the scholarship regime and personalized study grants will be exempt from paying academic fees.

The student who, when formalizing the registration, takes advantage of the exemption for fees, because he has requested the granting of a scholarship and, subsequently, it is not granted or is revoked, will be obliged to pay the fee corresponding to the formalized registration, within twenty days following the receipt of the notification of the refusal. The non-payment of the aforementioned fee will entail the cancellation of the registration in all subjects or credits.

Obtaining an honours degree, in one or more subjects corresponding to the same studies, will give rise, in the immediately subsequent year, to a bonus in the registration of that year, equivalent to the same number of credits that make up the subject in which the honours have been obtained.

The student member of a large family will enjoy the following exemptions and bonuses:

Total exemption from the payment of fees when the student is a member of a large family of special category.

Bonus of 50 per 100 of the amount of the fees when the student is a member of a large family of general category.

Students who have been victims of armed gangs and terrorist elements will enjoy total exemption from payment of the fee.

Students who have an accredited disability of a degree equal to or greater than 33 per 100 will be exempt from paying the fee.


Request of Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree Certificates

Application for Bachelor’s Degree in Advenced Artistic Education in Music and Master’s Degree in Music Performance and Research.

To apply for the degree, you must complete the application form, print it, sign it and deliver it personally or by ordinary mail to the Secretariat of the Conservatory together with the following documentation:

  • Fotocopia del DNI o NIE

  • Proof of payment of the corresponding fee









Academic and Administrative Fees

Through the following links you can prepare the document for the payment of academic and administrative fees (form 046), as well as make the telematic payment of these.


Recognition and transfer of credits

Procedure and regulation. The recognition and transfer of credits for higher artistic education is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Decreto 69/2011, de 3 de junio, del Consell, por el que se regula el reconocimiento y transferencia de créditos.

Once the procedure for the recognition and transfer of credits has been resolved, applicants will be informed and their registrations will be modified, if necessary, with the consequent payment of fees for those credits that have not been recognized. credits.

Tables of credit recognition LOGSE subjects

Positive precedents rules for the credits recognition

Precedents negative rules for the credits recognition


Request of the Academic Record or Official Academic Certificate

  • To request the certificate you must send an email to indicating:

    • Name

    • Surname

    • E-mail

    • ID

    • Date and place of birth

    The transcript is sent by e-mail, is informative and has no academic validity.

  • To request the certificate in advance, you must pay the corresponding fee and send proof of payment to indicating:

    • Surname and Name

    • E-mail

    Fees to be paid to request the certificate:

      • Expedition academic certificate LOE: 23,35 €

      • Expedition academic certificate LOGSE or Plan 66: 17;79 €.

    A través del enlace de abajo puede realizarse el pago de la tasa.

    The certificate can be collected at the Secretariat of the Conservatory two working days after sending the proof of payment.

    Instructions for obtaining the Form 046





Academic calendarS